Spring is a season many of us look forward to every year. It is a time of year where flowers bloom, trees wake up, and the temperatures rise again! It also includes Daylight Savings Time, and 2018 marks its 100th anniversary. This year it begins on Sunday, March 11, at 2:00 a.m. While not every […]
Year of the Dog
It is that time of year again; Lunar New Year is upon us. 2018 is the Year of the Dog, which is part of the 12-year animal zodiac cycle. For more information, read here. More than one billion people around the world are preparing to celebrate. Although Lunar New Year has its roots in the ancient […]
CAI News Flash
Priscila Montana, President & CEO of Cultural Awareness International (CAI), spoke at the Women and International Commerce event this past Saturday on November 11, 2017. Held in conjunction with the Chilean Association, this summit brought together women from every industry to participate in an open dialogue regarding women in the workplace, in particular women of […]
China: Expats’ Family Matters
China is a very interesting country but for most transitioning employees it is a hard country to live and work in. An executive’s success does not only depend on how well adjusted he or she is in the new environment but also how well adjusted his or her family is. According to Betsy Neidel, a […]
Repatriation: Challenges Faced when Coming Home
Imagine going abroad to live in an unfamiliar place then coming back home to a similar unfamiliarity. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many expatriates. There is a popular misconception about expatriates coming home in that everything will be fine and everything will be like it used to be. Expats often expect to return to […]
Texting and Driving – No More in Texas!
To those Texans who text and drive, you will have to put your phones down come September 1, 2017. Why? A new law proposed by Rep. Tom Craddick (R-Midland) and Sen. Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo) and signed by Governor Abbott will make it illegal to text and drive all across Texas. This may sound familiar to […]