Providing cross-cultural training and relocation services since 1989.
For over 30 years, Cultural Awareness International, Inc. (CAI) has paved the way in customized Cross-Cultural Training and Employee Relocation Services serving multinational corporations worldwide.
Hear the CAI Story
Priscila A.C. Montana, M.Ed., L.P.C., the founder and CEO of CAI, is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and has grown up abroad as a third-generation expatriate. She has lived and worked in South America, Europe, and the United States. With firsthand experience of the complexities of relocating abroad, Priscila firmly believes in how critical cultural understanding and support are to a successful international relocation. In addition to her expatriation experience, Priscila’s background in counseling and social work has led to services addressing the logistics of settling in a new city and reducing the emotional stress and pressures that come with it.
CAI is a proud certified woman-owned and minority-owned company.
CAI improves international assignees’ experiences beyond personal and family confidence and ensures business success.
As global business grew, it became clear that multinational corporations, in addition to expatriation services, also needed coaching and training in various cultures to be effective where they are or hope to conduct business. Cultural training curriculums are designed and customized to cover almost every major country and address common professional and social topics. Our training sessions address internal company cultures, highlighting the importance of an inclusive workforce, to create high performing work environments.
A natural extension to Cross-Cultural Training is Language Training, which became one of CAI‘s suite of services in 2010. CAI‘s Language Training encompasses all major languages and can be delivered worldwide using various teaching methods to help accommodate the participants’ busy schedules.
Our customized Destination Services solutions help those living and working globally adjust and assimilate more successfully, ensuring success from both a personal and business perspective. Our high touch and consistent quality is reflected in the care we use with each assignee, and with you, our partner, to support the success of your global business.
Connect with CAI
Ready to explore how to ensure the success of your employees?
Contact us to learn how we can customize and bundle our cross-cultural training services to best fit your needs.